Past event

13 January 2023

Palco Sala Teatro


14 January 2023

Palco Sala Teatro


One of Milo Rau’s best known works, Hate Radio tells the story of RTLM/ Radio-Télévision Libre des Mille Collines, the Rwandan radio station that played a crucial role in the genocide of the Tutsi minority in 1994, an enormous massacre that caused the death of a million persons. 

Radio was the most powerful tool for spreading violent propaganda. The operators of the radio station had been preparing the genocide for months and they included actual incitement to murder in their musical, sports and political programming. 
Hate Radio concentrates on the production of an RTLM programme conducted by three Hutu extremists and Italo-Belgian Georges Ruggiu and offers a philological reconstruction of the context while representing some of the survivors onstage. 
How does the process of affirming racist ideology work? How is it possible that an individual can completely lose their humanity? Drawing on documents and direct witnesses, this work by award winning Swiss director attempts to come up with an answer to these questions by allowing the audience to have a direct experience of what happened.
