Past event

25 May 2022

Sala 2


26 May 2022

Sala 2


27 May 2022

Sala 2


The workshop will take place over three days and will allow participants to immerse themselves in the poetics and aesthetics of one of the best known choreographers in Switzerland and abroad. It will be an opportunity to experiment with the rehearsal rooms and learn about the work of Cindy Van Acker.

An award-winning artist, in her choreographic creation, which combines aesthetic restraint with minimalist movement, meticulous composition and electronic music, Cindy Van Acker examines with almost scientific rigor the connections between body and soul, sound and rhythm.
Her career is marked by collaborations with choreographer Myriam Gourfink, set designer Victor Roy, musician Mika Vainio and director Romeo Castellucci.

On the last day, at 12:30pm the results of the work done will be offered to the public of cultural operators present at the festival Lugano Dance Project.

Born in Belgium in 1971, Van Acker studied classical dance and worked with the Ballet Royal de Flandre before joining the Ballet du Grand Théâtre de Genève in 1991. In 1994 she began choreographing her own performances and in 2002, a year in which she won international acclaim for her solo Corps 00:00, she founded the Compagnie Greffe. Pneuma (2005) was her first collective work, for eight men and women dancers. The same year, Romeo Castellucci invited her to the Venice Biennale, which is when their artistic partnership began. Her career has been marked by encounters with Myriam Gourfink, Mika Vainio, Victor Roy. For the season 2006/07 she presented the women’s trio Kernel at Geneva’s Théâtre du Grütli, which was the first time she worked with Mika Vainio. In  addition to her activity with the Compagnie Greffe, she creates works for the Ballet Junior and the Ballet du Grand Théâtre, both located in Geneva, for P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels for the Ballet de Lorraine. Diffraction (2011) won acclaim at the Creazione Attuale di Danza competition in 2013 on the occasion of the Swiss dance prizes. She created Anechoic, a work for 53 dancers (2014) which was performed in Vidy for t
