Past event

21 December 2023

Teatro Foce


The winning show of Forever Young 2021/22 – a residential project for “under 35” theatre companies promoted by Corte Ospitale di Rubiera  –, Personne, chroniques d'une jeunesse [Nobody, Chronicles of a Childhood] by Ugo Fiore and Livia Rossi is a “black” fairy tale which, through words, sounds and images, tells of a violated childhood and its reverberations in adulthood.

According to Gaston Bachelard, a philosopher of science, the home is “that space that encloses and compresses time through memory and imagination”. On an aseptic stage, Ugo compresses time and remembers – or perhaps imagines – the places of his childhood, the garden, the sandbox, and the afternoons spent playing with his brother and cousin. But since memory is an imperfect machine, in whose cracks reality and fiction are confused, Ugo's memories immediately take on the contours of a fairy tale. And just as in a fairy tale, once you climb the stairs and open the door of the home, Ugo falls back into his own self at the age of eleven years, the day he met Xavier. They met virtually on a chat. And they met physically only once, in the public toilets of a park. Xavier was thirty years older than Ugo.

The show develops in the progressive creation of narrative short circuits, in a game of agreements and oppositions in which, just as happens in the case of memory, reality and imagination merge.
On the stage, the evocative effect of the music, which draws from a childhood world of imagination and distorts it, coexists with the cumbersome presence of the video, which reveals the interiors of the home in an almost documentary way. The co-presence of Italian and French, the two languages in which Ugo expresses himself, creates further short-circuits of meaning. Not everything is immediately understandable: by continually hiding what he is talking about, Personne retraces together with the spectators the dynamics of the paedophile's seduction.

Ugo Fiore, Livia Rossi

Livia Rossi

Ugo Fiore, Federica Furlani

sound project
Federica Furlani

lighting design by
Giulia Pastore

set consultant
Paolo Di Benedetto

sets created by
the "Bruno Colombo and Leonardo Ricchelli" Scenography Workshop of the Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d'Europa

La Corte Ospitale

in co-production with
Proxima Res

with the support of
Emilia-Romagna Region

