Past event

19 January 2024

Sala Teatro


20 January 2024

Sala Teatro


Starting from the scheme traced by Fyodor Dostoevsky's work of the same name, Demons - written by Fabrizio Sinisi, a young award-winning playwright, recent winner of the Testori Prize for Literature and the ANCT Critics Award, and directed by Claudio Autelli, one of the best directors on the Milan theatre scene – aims to offer a fresco of today’s youth, but presented with the tools of the prose theatre.

What do young people really think, what do they desire? How would they like the world to be? And what are the changes, including revolutionary ones, that they would like to bring about?
A group of young people, who left it a few years before, after finishing school, return to their hometown. This would seem to be a simple reunion, but it is instead something more: the young people are all members of an imaginary international eco-terrorist organization, and their goal is to occupy a public space and build a new model of society and coexistence in the very town where they were born. A utopia, a dream of a small semi-peaceful revolution. However, their return turns out to be more complicated than expected: the eight young people will find themselves stuck in a dead end, in a violent tragedy from which they will no longer be able to emerge.
Through the rewriting of a great classic like Dostoevsky's Demons transposed to the present day, the show proposes the same questions that are still very relevant: is what young people feel towards their fathers really hatred, or is it just another face of adoration? What is the world that the new generation would like to build, if they had the strength and power to do so? What are the ideas of young people when they think about social change and - why not ? - revolution?
A dramaturgical creation of the "Generation Project" of the Centro Teatrale Bresciano, born on the occasion of the bicentenary of the Russian author's death, "the show is an investigation into the new generation”, writes Sinisi, “but it is also a duty: this is a generation that often does not have its own specific expressive space, a theatre with works written especially for it, as the generation of Osborne or Sarah Kane or Lagarce had, and this work therefore aims to be a small, timid attempt in this direction”.

Fabrizio Sinisi

freely based on the work of
Fyodor Dostoevsky

Claudio Autelli

cast to be decided

Centro Teatrale Bresciano

in co-production with
LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura


Il regista Claudio Autelli ci parla di DEMONI

Foto di scena
