Echoes – a voice from uncharted waters is a large scale, interactive sound installation in the shape of a whale inviting us to listen and reflect, confronting us with the impact our actions have on the environment around us.

By respectfully interacting with the marine mammal’s vital space we become immersed in a soundscape of oceans and seas, a melodic universe; if we venture too close, we hear noise pollution: the whale songs gradually fade out until they are completely replaced by the noise of industrial ports, drawing our attention to the dangers threatening marine species.

The installation was inspired by Greenpeace’s famous campaign in the 1970s Save the Whales and aims to make us aware of the noise pollution that is altering the whales’ migration routes and environments and, more generally, on the current state of the oceans and the ongoing and looming effects of climate change.

During the period while the installation is running, a series of activities will be held dealing with sustainability, movement and sound, promoted through the programme of LAC edu.


Gmachl is an artist, designer and trans-disciplinary researcher. He is a director of studio Loop.pH which he founded in London in 2003 and with which he has created architectural scale urban installations that fuse art, design, architecture, science and technology and have the aim of transforming urban space and involving the public. He has worked with foundations, cultural and research institutions like the Royal Academy – Kensington Palace, the Medical Research Council, the Centre of the Cell, the Audi Design Foundation and with companies like Nike, Swarovski, Lexus, Belvedere. Some of his works are housed in London’s Victoria & Albert Museum and the MoMA in New York and have been exhibited in venues like the Venice Biennale.
Since 1996 Gmachl has been a member of Farmers Manual, a group of artists whose work ranges between electronic music and the most experimental visual arts. He is Research Associate at the Royal College of Art in London and regularly holds conferences and workshops at universities and research centres.
