Starting from the experience of Monte Verità, choreographer Annie Hanauer reflects on historical and contemporary ideas about Utopia.

Drawing her inspiration from the historical artists’ community of Monte Verità and relating herself to the current global pandemic, choreographer Annie Hanauer sets out to reflect on the historical and contemporary ideas of utopia, and she does this, above all, as a woman and as an artist with a disability. We watch her through the eye of the video camera in her first residence at the LAC during which she selects the dancers who will accompany her in the creative process for the LAC’s and Teatro Danzabile’s new production of A space for all our tomorrow, created in cooperation with Orme, Festival di arti inclusive della Svizzera Italiana/IntegrART.


Lorenzo Conti

direction, shooting, video editing
Igor Samperi, LAC
Anna Domenigoni, LAC

Annie Hanauer

LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura

Annie Hanauer
A dancer and choreographer from the United States, Annie Hanauer lives in London and France. She studied at the University of Minnesota before moving to London in 2008; there she joined the Candoco Dance Company, of which she is still an associated artist. Her choreography explores themes like disability, caregiving and maternity.

Lorenzo Conti
Conti is involved in artistic curation, planning and training in the areas of contemporary dance and performance. Since 2020 he has been a consultant for the dance programme at the cultural centre LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura, since 2019 he is artistic curator of the dance section of the TTV Festival/Premio Riccione Teatro and Spazio Tondelli. He is also in charge of communications for the Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza DANCEHAUS più in Milan and from 2012 he has been working together with the choreographer Susanna Beltrami in teaching and on special projects for her Academy, as professor of the History of the Theatre and Dance. He collaborates with the theatrical journal Hystrio, and is one of the authors of Il pubblico in danza. Comunità, memorie e dispositivi (Scalpendi 2019).
