Evento passato

05 marzo 2021



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La danza può rivelarsi uno strumento eccellente per lavorare con i giovani, stimolandone la creatività; la danza, infatti, è l’espressione artistica che può accompagnarli efficacemente in un percorso di crescita fornendo loro gli strumenti utili a stabilire una relazione migliore tra corpo e mente. Nell’ambito del progetto kicks!, la coreografa e performer svizzera Lea Moro racconterà l'esperienza maturata nel suo lavoro per il giovane pubblico.

Coreografa e performer svizzera, Lea Moro crea performance immaginifiche che esaminano gli strati fisici, sociali ed emotivi delle connessioni tra umani. Dal 2013, i suoi lavori sono presentati in numerosi teatri e hanno una diffusione internazionale. È stata coreografa associata in residenza al K3 - Zentrum für Choreographie I Tanzplan Hamburg (2015/16) e al Tanzhaus Zurich (2017/18). Oltre al suo lavoro come coreografa, Lea Moro ha co-fondato l'Acker'Festival a Berlino (2013/14). Nel 2018/19 ha completato la sua formazione in Systemic Organizational Development presso artop - istituto della Humboldt-Universität di Berlino e nel 2019/20 ha partecipato al programma annuale Curating in the Performing Arts della Paris Lodron University Salzburg e della Ludwig-Maximilians-University di Monaco. Ha insegnato alla DOCH - School of Dance and Circus di Stoccolma, all'University of Arts di Helsinki, alla HZT - Hochschulübergreifende Zentrum Tanz di Berlino e alla Manufacture - Haute école des arts de la scène di Losanna. È tra le componenti del pool di drammaturgia del Tanzhaus Zürich. Vive e lavora tra Berlino e Zurigo.

Dance can be one of the best tools to work with young people, to stimulate their creativity and let them understand better the relationship between body and mind, how they are connected, how it is possible to tell a story just moving, how important is artistic expression as a way to build self-consciousness. Lea Moro will work with dance and theatre professionals to talk about her experience working for young audiences.

Based in Berlin and Zurich, Swiss choreographer and cultural manager Lea Moro creates inventive performances that examine the physical, social and emotional layers of human connections and encounters. Since 2013, she has toured her works internationally and was an associated choreographer in residence at K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie I Tanzplan Hamburg (2015/16) and at Tanzhaus Zurich (2017/18). Apart from her work as a choreographer, Moro co-founded the Acker'Festival in Berlin (2013/14). In 2018/19, she completed her further education in Systemic Organizational Development at artop – institute of the Humboldt-Universität Berlin and in 2019/20 she participated in the one year programme Curating in the Performing Arts at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. She has held teaching posts at DOCH – School of Dance and Circus in Stockholm, University of the Arts in Helsinki, HZT Berlin and Manufacture Lausanne. In 2020, she was appointed as one of the four dramaturges of the Tanzhaus Zürich Dramaturgy Pool.

I workshop “kicks! Impulse for Professionals” si svolgono nell’ambito dell'omonimo progetto kicks! e si rivolgono a professionisti della danza e del teatro. Sono pensati come momenti formativi e fonte di nuovi stimoli; invitano i partecipanti a riflettere su alcuni lavori per il giovane pubblico, a conoscere differenti metodi di lavoro e a scambiare idee con artisti già attivi in questo campo.
Dampfzentrale Bern; Schlachthaus Theater Bern; Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève; LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura; FIT Festival Internazionale del Teatro e della scena contemporanea, Lugano; Tanzhaus Zurigo e ASSITEJ Schweiz/ Suisse/ Svizzera/ Svizra hanno unito le forze per sostenere lo sviluppo di produzioni teatrali e di danza pensati per spettatori dai 4 ai 10 anni, grazie ad un bando di concorso nazionale - che si è chiuso lo scorso 20 novembre. I cinque progetti vincitori debutteranno nel corso delle stagioni teatrali 2021/22 a Berna, Ginevra, Lugano e Zurigo e saranno presentati al festival kicks! a Berna nel maggio 2022.


This impulse event will take place within the framework of the open call of the festival kicks! The Impulse event on the subject of dramatic arts for young audiences are intended exclusively for professional artists. They are planned to serve as a further education opportunity as well as inspiration for professional dance and theatre artists. They invite you to look and reflect on different works for young audiences, to get to know different working methods and to exchange ideas with experienced artists in this field.
Five dance and theatre houses in Switzerland have joined forces to promote dance and theatre creation for young audiences. We are looking for professional dance or theatre creators who are young in years or experienced in working for young audiences and who have a lasting interest in dealing with content and forms for a young audience.
The five projects for young audiences will premiere one each in the 2021/22 season either in Bern, Geneva, Lugano or Zurich and will all be shown at the kicks! festival in Bern in May 2022.


Programma/ Programme
kicks! Impulse #3 “Location as Inspiration”
with artists from Studio Orka (Belgium) and ASSITEJ
April 2021, Schlachthaus Theater Bern/ QZ Tscharnergut
Show: “Pentakkordeon” – Studio Orka (BE), theatre, age 7+

kicks! Impulse #4 “Get ready to perform4kids”
with La Manufacture – Haute école des arts de la scène (Lausanne)
Spring 2021, Théâtre Saint-Gervais Genève
Show: N.N.

kicks! Impulse #5 “Diversity and Inclusion for Young Audience”
with Brandy Butler, performer, musician, activist (Zürich)
June 2021, Tanzhaus Zürich
Show: “Drag Queen Story Time” – Brandy Butler, performance, age 3-10
