
Digital Inclusion Ticino

The Digital Inclusion Ticino event will be held on Tuesday 7 November from 17:00 in Sala 1 of the LAC.

What is it all about? Digital Inclusion Ticino is a round table where professionals and experts can discuss diversity & inclusion issues in the world of work. What challenges new technologies and digitalisation have on the world of work, this and other important #themes are the ones that will be discussed at the #DigitalInclusionTicino event.

The programme is now available at www.digitalinclusion.live, Discover the first event on Digital Inclusion in #Ticino! The programme includes the #herHack workshops in collaboration with SUPSI, the welcome greeting by Stefano Rizzi, Director of the Economy Division of the Republic and Canton of Ticino, who will set the stage.

We will continue with speeches by: 

Laura Castro-Aldrete https://www.linkedin.com/in/l-castro/, scientific and medical head of the Woman's Brain Project

Dr. Antonella Santuccione Chadha https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonella-chadha-santuccione-6336b41/, Chief Medical Officer Altoida; co-founder and CEO of the Womens Brain Project

Prof. Andrea E. Rizzoli https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrearizzoli/, Director of IDSIA; Professor at SUPSI 

Dr. Marija Plodinec https://www.linkedin.com/in/marija-plodinec-988ba4b/, CEO and co-founder of ARTIDIS

This will be followed by a panel of inspiring leaders :

Samantha Paoletti https://www.linkedin.com/in/samanthapaoletti/,
Luca Mauriello https://www.linkedin.com/in/luca-mauriello/,
Prisca Quadroni-Renella https://www.linkedin.com/in/prisca-quadroni-renella-ailsc/,
Joy Bordini https://www.linkedin.com/in/joy-bordini-4a7a4a152/, Andrea Barni https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-barni-29a36248/, moderated by Milena Folletti, Delegate for Digital Transformation at the Republic and Canton of Ticinoand will conclude with an apero and networking in the fantastic setting of the LAC in Lugano! 

The event is promoted and supported by the tech communities #womenintechswitzerland #digitalswitzerland #womenexpertinai and #womenindigital, with the support of #ated, #SUPSI and #Andergroup
